INL welcomes Dr. Yi Xie as first Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate
Honoring the past and nurturing the scientists of the future
IDAHO FALLS — University Partnerships and INL’s Glenn T. Seaborg Institute are excited to announce Dr. Yi Xie (pronounced first name “E” like the letter and last name “say”) as INL’s inaugural Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate. She will conduct research at INL’s Materials and Fuels Complex under the mentorship of Dr. Michael Benson.
Candidates selected for this competitively awarded position are outstanding early career scientists who have experience and interest in solid state chemistry, nuclear physics, solution chemistry, materials science, radiation chemistry and other related fields applied to actinides.
Xie earned her doctorate in nuclear engineering at the Ohio State University and earned a bachelor’s degree in nuclear engineering at University of Science and Technology China. Prior to joining INL, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.

INL established the Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral Appointment to develop early career researchers and support the advancement of actinide chemistry and physics – a fundamental part of the laboratory’s mission. Actinides are the periodic table elements with atomic numbers 89-103. Seaborg’s research on lanthanides and actinides (also known as f-block elements) has had a huge impact on modern society. He is known as the father of the modern Periodic Table of Elements for his recommendation to place elements 89-103 in a series below lanthanides. Seaborg discovered several new elements, including atomic number 106, seaborgium, which bears his name.
INL’s Glenn T. Seaborg Institute (GTSI) is the newest of the four GTSIs in the Department of Energy Complex. “We’re excited to welcome Dr. Xie as the first Seaborg Distinguished postdoc,” said Dr. Terry Todd, director of INL’s GTSI. “Her insight into the fundamentals of stress corrosion in nuclear fuels will provide great value to the laboratory and will advance the science of fuel design.” Learn more about GTSI at