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Lab Directors Town Hall

July 24, 2020

By Idaho National Laboratory

University Partnerships Lab Directors Town Hall rCurrent interns from across the 17 national labs are invited to join us on Wednesday, July 15, as the Department of Energy’s national laboratories partner to host a virtual town hall session. The event will feature a round table discussion and Q&A session with the directors of four national labs:

  • Paul Kearns from Argonne National Laboratory (Office of Science),
  • Mark Peters from Idaho National Laboratory (Office of Nuclear Energy),
  • Bill Goldstein from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (National Nuclear Security Administration),
  • Martin Keller from National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy).

Opening remarks from Michelle Thiel Bingham (INL). Moderated by Rob Schuch (ANL).

Interns from all of the national labs are invited to participate on July 15 at 1 p.m. ET/10 a.m. PT. Join in BlueJeans.

Watch the event

17 Labs in 17 Minutes

Learn more about the labs:

Ames LabAmes Laboratory ArgonneArgonne National Laboratory BrookhavenBrookhaven National Laboratory
FermilabFermi National Accelerator Laboratory INLIdaho National Laboratory BerkeleyLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
LivermoreLawrence Livermore National Laboratory Los AlamosLos Alamos National Laboratory NETLNational Energy Technology Laboratory
NRELNational Renewable Energy Laboratory Oak RidgeOak Ridge National Laboratory PNNLPacific Northwest National Laboratory
PPPLPrinceton Plasma Physics Laboratory SandiaSandia National Laboratory SRNLSavannah River National Laboratory
SLACSLAC National Accelerator Laboratory JLabThomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Learn more about the Department of Energy:

The National Laboratory Directors’ Council

Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration

Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Office of Nuclear Energy

Office of Science

National Virus Biotechnology Laboratory (NVBL)


About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, celebrating 75 years of scientific innovations in 2024. The laboratory performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. 

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Posted July 24, 2020

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Idaho National Laboratory