Event Modeling Risk Assessment using Linked Diagrams
Recent EMRALD development focused on the needs of the RISMC (Risk Informed Safety Margin Characterization) research for the Light Water Reactor Sustainability (LWRS) project funded by the Department of Energy. Under this program, EMRALD has been used to demonstrate the coupling of external hazard simulations such as earth-quakes and flooding with a PRA model of a nuclear facility, in a time based manner.
Although EMRALD was developed for research and use in the nuclear industry, many other areas of risk assessment can benefit from dynamic PRA methods. Any system reliability that depends heavily on the timing of component failures, orders of failures, or operator actions, could greatly benefit from dynamic PRA methods. Examples include dam failure and consequence analysis, power grid reliability, supply chain analysis, etc.

Integrated External Hazards Analysis
Perform an advanced risk analysis of an earthquake event causing pipe rupture and internal flooding. EMRALD was used to make a simplified dynamic PRA model of key systems in a nuclear facility and then coupled with several other simulation codes or data to show calculation differences of the core damage frequency and other insights due to dynamic PRA methods.