b'TALENT PIPELINE:Justin Hales, student at Brigham YoungPUBLICATIONS:University Wadsworth, J., J. Hales, S. Staples, An Overview of the Usefulness of Machine Hannah Cartier, student at UniversityLearning Techniques on Network Packet Data, Institute of Electrical and Electronics of Utah Engineers Access (n.d.).Jacob Rhodes, student at KennesawWadsworth, J., H. Cartier, J. Rhodes,S. Staples, A Representative Enterprise State University Environment Network Data set for Machine Learning, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access (n.d.).Wadsworth, J., H. Cartier, S. Staples, Detecting malicious network traffic using variational autoencoders, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access (n.d.).Wadsworth, J., S. Staples, Increasing the Effectiveness of Network Packet Models using Generative Adversarial Networks, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access (2022). The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.Thomas Berger, American Novelist'