b'Developing GeneralizedNew computational method calculates radiation damage from all isotopes, Methods for Handlingeven those produced during irradiation, in a single efficient calculation. TransmutationA ccurate models for radiation damage are crucial for predicting material performance in radiation environments. The uncertainty of state-of-the-art Radiation Damage radiation damage models is large, contributing to excessive safety margins. A major source of this uncertainty is neglecting the effect that transmutation products have on radiation damage. Transmutation products are new nuclides formed by neutron activation during irradiation. They can contribute to radiation damage by additional neutron capture or decay events. Ignoring the contribution of transmutation products leads to a significant underprediction of the radiation damage (e.g., 10% error in 316 PROJECT NUMBER:stainless steel). This underprediction is accounted for in part by adding larger safety 21A1055-022 margins to designs. Prior to this project, the state-of-the-art explicitly accounted for only a single transmutation product, nickel-59, during the radiation damage calculation. All TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:other transmutation products were assumed to not contribute to the radiation damage $131,400 over 1 year because there was no established method to systematically track all or a selection of PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:radiation damage contributions of transmutation products during activation. In the Micah Gale case of nickel-59, the past method was to apply a precalculated correlation that cannot be used for any other nuclide and is largely dependent on all nuclear engineers being CO-INVESTIGATORS: experts in this niche topic.Angelica Mata Cruz, INL Sebastian Schunert, INLWe methodically found other transmutation products that cause significant radiation damage, developed a general framework for systematically tracking the radiation damage from these nuclides, and developed a model for radiation damage from radioactive decay. This new framework combines the radiation damage calculation into the transmutation calculation already performed for irradiated structural materials. The key idea of our framework was to introduce radiation damage pseudo-nuclides to the list of nuclides used in the transmutation analysis. This allowed radiation damage to be tracked alongside the creation and destruction of transmutation products. This capability was implemented and demonstrated in INLs neutronics code Griffin. This method was able to calculate radiation damage within 2.5% of a published analytical benchmark with the error likely coming from having to reverse engineer the data the benchmark used. Absolute relativeTALENT PIPELINE:difference in radiationOlin Calvin, student atdamage measuredUniversity of Idahoin displacements per atom between GriffinDaniel Van Wasshenova, student at and the GreenwoodIdaho State Universityanalytical benchmark alongside nickel-59PRESENTATION:number fraction.Gale, M., O. Calvin, and S. Schunert, Using Griffins Transmutation Solver to Calculate Radiation Damage, International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, May 2022. 37'