b'Core Capabilities Project Selection & OversightAs of 2022, DOE recognized 24 core capabilities as foundational to itsINL ensures that LDRD program goals and objectives are mission. Of those 24 capabilities, DOE acknowledges that INL has 13aligned with DOE Order 413.2C, Chg. 1 and that the LDRD core capabilities and 2 emerging capabilities. The acknowledgementportfolio is managed with integrity and transparency. of these capabilities highlights the exceptional breadth of INLsProject proposals and progress reports are subject to science and technology leadership that spans a continuum of basicmultiple levels of rigorous review by subject matter and applied research and development. experts and senior leaders. The deputy laboratory director for science and technology reviews projects recommended INL HAS TWO EMERGINGfor approval with the associate laboratory directors and CAPABILITIES ANDmakes final funding decisions on the LDRD portfolio. 13 CORE Finally, DOE Idaho Operations Office concurrence is requested on each proposal and project continuing to the next fiscal year prior to project funding.C APABILITIES Showcasing SuccessThese core capabilities are sustained and enhanced through INLsOn September 19, 2022, INL hosted a poster session LDRD projects. To demonstrate that the emerging core capabilitiesshowcasing the LDRD projects ending in fiscal year 2022. are intrinsic at INL, the LDRD program included the two emergingThis was the first in-person LDRD poster session since core capabilitiesChemical and Molecular Science and2019. Attendees included INL researchers, industry and Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Scienceas strategicacademic partners, external collaborators, and members of scientific initiatives. Of the 45 projects highlighted in this report,the public. Images of the posters are available on INL.gov. 23 demonstrated one or both emerging core capabilities. Core capabilitiesAccelerator science Decision scienceand technology and analysis*Advanced computer science, Earth systems sciencevisualization, and data* and engineeringApplied materials science Environmentaland engineering* subsurface science*Applied Large-scale user facilities mathematics /R&D facilities/advancedBiological and instrumentation*bioprocess engineering* Mechanical designBiological and engineering*systems science Nuclear andChemical and radio chemistry*molecular science** NuclearChemical engineering*engineering* NuclearClimate change sciences andphysicsatmospheric science Particle Computational Physicsscience Plasma and futureCondensed matter physics and energy sciencesmaterials science** Power systems and electrical8 Cyber and engineering and integration*information sciences* Systems engineeringand integration**Acknowledged** Emerging'