b'Flexible ChemicalFlexible chemical manufacturing plant operation can result in Manufacturing for Carboneconomical production of environmentally sustainable methanol.Dioxide HydrogenationI ssues surrounding grid stability have become more significant as more and more variable renewable energy resources have come online. The greater to Methanol contributions of variable renewable energy to the power grid have led to power price volatility, causing market marginal hourly prices to peak at hundreds of dollars per megawatt hour and drop to net negative values. Operating flexible chemical manufacturing plants at full speed when prices are low or negative and minimizing the production processes when power prices are high is a way to capitalize on these power price volatilities. More importantly, these operations can have net-zero PROJECT NUMBER:carbon emissions by capitalizing on the availability of low carbon power sources. 21P1062-015 The feasibility of flexible chemical manufacturing was examined to produce green methanol: the reaction of CO with hydrogen where the hydrogen is obtained from TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:water electrolysis. The operation is powered by low carbon energy sources such $125,000 over 1 year as nuclear, solar, and wind. Flexible chemical manufacturing can be employed to PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:essentially convert water and CO into a valuable fuel or chemicals when power Daniel Ginosar production exceeds demand and minimized when demand exceeds supply. To test this concept, the research team constructed and tested a variable flow pressurized CO-INVESTIGATORS: CO hydrogenation reactor system using an economic and environmental driven flow Binghui Li, INLalgorithm to understand the performance and stability of a commercially available Birendra Adhikari, INL copper/zinc oxide/alumina catalyst. Results showed that for one hundred hours of Rebecca Fushimi, INL continuous operation at a space velocity of 6,000 h-1 at a pressure of 50 bar and a Yixiao Wang, INLreactor inlet temperature of 230C, the catalyst activity was stable. TALENT PIPELINE:Amit Nilkar, student at University of Idaho 74'