b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:Robert Ivans, graduate fellow Miller, E., G. M. Makrakis, K. A. Vedros, C. Kolias, C. Rieger, D. Barbara, Detecting Code at INL, converted to staff Injections in Noisy Environments Through EM Signal Analysis and SVD Denoising, Georgios Michail Makrakis, student ESCS 21, 2022.at University of Idaho Rieger, C., K. Schultz, T. Carroll, T. McJunkin, Resilient Control SystemsBasis, Haotian Wang, student at Benchmarking and Benefit, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access 9 University of Idaho (2021) 5756557577.Kurt Vedros, student at University of IdahoEkaterina Miller, student at Makrakis, G. M., C. Kolias, G. Kambourakis, C. Rieger, J. Benjamin, Industrial and University of Idaho Critical Infrastructure Security: Technical Analysis of Real-Life Security Incidents, Alexander Hearn, high school student Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Access 9, (2021) 165295165325. in Idaho Falls Vedros, K., G. M. Makrakis, C. Kolias, M. Xian, D. Barbara and C. Rieger, On the Limits of EM Based Detection of Control Logic Injection Attacks in Noisy Environments, 2021 Resilience Week (RWS) (2021) 19.Kolias, C., D. Barbara, C. Rieger, J. Ulrich, EM Fingerprints: Toward Identifying Unauthorized Hardware Substitutions in the Supply Chain Jungle, CReSCT Workshop Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2020.Ivans, R., G. Makrakis, A. Hearn, K. Vedros, C. Kolias, C. Rieger, Parallel Learning Machines for Complementary Thermal and Electromagnetic Side Channel Anomaly Recognition, submitted to ACSAC Eighth Annual Industrial Control System Security Workshop, Dec. 2022.INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:Rieger, C. G., R. C. Ivans, C. Kolias, D. Barbara, EM Based Detection of Control Logic Injection Attacks in Noisy Environments, Patent application (Oct. 15, 2021).License 21-LA-69, Scalable, Physical Effects Measurable Microgrid for Cyber Resilience Analysis, (Feb. 23, 2021).93'