b'TALENT PIPELINE: PRESENTATIONS:Ashley Shields, student at Idaho StateElliott, S., R. Hruska, A. Shields, Utilizing Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks University, converted to staff for Critical Infrastructure Analysis and Identification, Military Operations Research Danielle Barna, student at Society 89th Symposium, 2021.Colorado School of Mines Elliott, S., A. Shields, E. Klaehn, I. Tien, Identifying Critical Infrastructure in Imagery David Finck, student at Data Using Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks, Remote Sensing, 14(21) University of California Irvine (2022) 5531.Elizabeth Klaehn, student atTexas Lutheran University INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:Keelie Lawler, student at License 22-LA-42, Scramble, Mar. 9, 2022.Montana Technological UniversityShanon Brailsford, student atIdaho State University Tyler Paladino, student atIdaho State UniversityChase Christen, student atBoise State UniversityResults of explainability for different critical infrastructure classes.97'