b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATION AND PRESENTATIONS:Pengxi Zhu, student at Zhu, P., L.-C. Wang, F. Stewart, D. Ding, J. Matz, P. Dong, H. Ding, Direct Conversion of George Mason University Natural Gases in Solid Oxide Cells: A Mini-Review, Electrochemistry Communications Mark Hull, student at University of Idaho (2021) 128.Ding, H., D. Ding, Advanced Electrode and Electrolyte Materials for Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells, 241st Electrochemical Society Meeting (2022) Spring, Vancouver Canada (Invited talk).Ding, H., P. Zhu, P. Dong, D. Ding, Direct Conversion of Natural Gases to Aromatics in Solid Oxide Membrane Reactor, oral presentation, 240th Electrochemical Society Meeting Virtual, 2021 Fall.Ding, H., P. Zhu, P. Dong, D. Ding, Natural Gas Conversion Using Proton Conducting Ceramic Membrane Reactor, oral presentation, 239th Electrochemical Society Meeting Virtual, 2021 Spring.Schematic of the working principle where methane (CH) is converted to benzene (CH) and hydrogen (H) via a platinum-copper/molybdenum/zeolite catalyst. H is transported as protons (H + ) to the cathode side and generates electricity. 71'