b'Beyond Nuclear EnergyDetailed magnetotransport studies advance the fundamental Materials: Utilizing Strongunderstanding of spin-orbit interactions and topology Spin-orbit Coupling andin new topological insulators and semimetals.Topology in Actinides T his project focused on studying the fundamental physics of selected quantum effects in potential topological materials with special attention to phenomena governed by strong spin-orbit interactions. Topological phases, especially those governed by strong spin-orbit interactions, will be crucial for the realization of next generation quantum technologies. The quantum effects associated with the spin-orbit interactions are directly related to atomic number and are strongest in heavy elements, such as lanthanides and actinides, where the PROJECT NUMBER:relativistic shifting of the energies of the electron energy levels accentuates the 19P45-019 spin-orbit coupling effect, making them a perfect platform for studying such effects. In this project, selected systems showing non-trivial band topology caused by TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:strong spin-orbit interactions were systematically studied. To better understand the $525,500 over 3 years interplay of many-body physics and other degrees of freedom, such as topology and PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:electronic correlations, we performed detailed low temperature, magnetic, transport, Krzysztof Gofryk thermodynamic, and spectroscopic studies of selected s, p, and f-electron materials. The project led to several high impact factor publications, and one of the papers was COLLABORATOR: selected as the Top 100 Scientific Reports in Physics papers in 2020. Advancements University of Central Florida in quantum materials research performed in this project supported recent lab initiatives toward condensed matter physics and INLs Center for Quantum Actinide Science and Technology. (a-b) Anomalous and topological Hall effect of erbium-manganese-tin (ErMnSn) at 200 K. Inset shows enlarged view of T vs. magnetic field (H). (c) Anomalous and topological Hall effect of holmium-manganese-tin (HoMnSn) at 200 K.16'