b'Development of a SimpleCapillary electrophoresis coupled with advanced complexation Single Step Ultra Chemicalchemistry improves lanthanide element separation.Purification of Neptunium V arious methods of separation of lanthanides have been developed because these elements are vital to ongoing technological and energy advancement. The separation of a pure metal, cleaned of other metals, usually requires complex chemistry and a laborious process. To optimize that process, this research coupled capillary electrophoresis to the octadentate siderophore derivative N,N-(butane-1,4-diyl)bis(1-hydroxy-N-(3-(1-hydroxy-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyridine-2-carboxamido)propyl)-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyridine-PROJECT NUMBER:2-carboxamide), abbreviated 343HOPO, as separation electrolyte. In this project, 20P1048-005 343HOPO was synthesized, purified, and characterized for purity.TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:To track separation in the electric field, capillary electrophoresis uses light absorption $351,000 over 3 years and negative light absorption methods. In this work, the negative light absorption PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:method could be used because the electrolyte used would have interfered with the Thibaut Lecrivain electrolyte of interest. Also, classic absorption could not be used because most of the Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished lanthanides do not absorb light in the accessible wavelengths. To overcome these Postdoctoral Fellow limitations, a contactless conductivity detector from Sensor Technologies was installed, coupled to the capillary electrophoresis, and calibrated. The lower detection limits of CO-INVESTIGATORS: the capillary electrophoresis-contactless conductivity detector were determined, and Kevin Carney, INL base diffusion/separation in absence of complexing electrolyte was measured. When Travis Grimes, INL the complexing electrolyte was used in the system, the separation of each lanthanide, COLLABORATOR: especially late vs. early separation, was significantly enhanced. The observation of Florida International University this increased separation factor between lanthanides using a capillary electrophoresis system coupled with a complexation agent is considered a major accomplishment and successful demonstration of the method for automating a challenging separation.TALENT PIPELINE:Thibaut Lecrivain, Glenn T. Seaborg Distinguished Postdoctoral FellowPRESENTATION:Lecrivain, T., Thermodynamic of separation chemistry of f-elements, American Chemical Society, Nuclear Chemistry Symposium, 2022.Electropherogram of selected lanthanides in nitrate media, background electrolyte 5 millimolar sodium nitrate, pH = 4.5.The peaks between 3 and 4 minutes are thelanthanides.58'