b'TALENT PIPELINE: PRESENTATION:Conner Buck, student at Mecham, K., OmniTap: Universal Capture and Translation of ICS Communication, Arizona State University TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Exposition 2022, National Harbor, Justin Leiden, student at MD, USA.Mississippi State UniversityTrevor Smith, student at INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:Boise State University Mecham, K. D., T. R. Tracy, D. P. Hearn, D. J. Vollmer, T. S. Bhagwat, Universal Capture and Translation of Industrial Control System (ICS) Communication, Patent application (Nov. 17, 2021). License 22-LOA-07, Signals in a network, May 5, 2022.AWARD:TechConnect National Innovation Awardee2022 The OmniTap technology enables a universal device to monitor any industrial control systems network and will provide visibility to most control devices for the first time.95'