b'TALENT PIPELINE: PUBLICATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS:Arunkumar Seshadri, postdoc at INL A. Seshadri, A. M. Jokisaari, C. Sun, A review of irradiation damage and Khadija Mahbuba, student at effects in a-uranium, Materials 15 (2022) 4106.North Carolina State University Jokisaari, A. M., K. Mahbuba, Y. Wang, B. Beeler, The impact of anisotropic Yuhao Wang, student at University of Michigan thermal expansion on the isothermal annealing of polycrystalline a-uranium, Computational Materials Science 205 (2022) 111217.Mahbuba, K., B. Beeler, A. Jokisaari, Evaluation of the anisotropic grain boundaries and surfaces of a-U via molecular dynamics, Journal of Nuclear Materials 544 (2021) 153072.Beeler, B., K. Mahbuba, Y. Wang, A. Jokisaari, Determination of thermal expansion, defect formation energy, and defect-induced strain of a-U via ab initio molecular dynamics, Frontiers in Materials 8 (2021) 188.Mahbuba, K., Grain boundary energy and surface energy of alpha-uranium, American Nuclear Society Student Conference (2021).Jokisaari, A., The challenges of alpha-uranium: Fundamental Understanding of a Past and Future Nuclear Fuel Material, Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (2021) (Invited talk).Wang, Y., B. Beeler, A. Jokisaari, An atomistic study of the anisotropic elastic response of defects in alpha uranium, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (2022).Mahbuba, K., B. Beeler, A. Jokisaari, Atomistic modeling of transport properties and interaction with point defects of -U tilt grain boundaries, The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (2022).25'