b"FROM INL'S CHIEF RESEARCH OFFICERI daho National Laboratorys (INLs) mission is to discover,DR. MARIANNE WALCKdemonstrate and secure innovative nuclear energy solutions, other clean energy options and critical infrastructure. INL executes this mission through research and development acrossDeputy Laboratory Directorthe continuum from basic science to applied science to engineeringfor Science and Technologydemonstration and then deployment. The Department of Energyand Chief Research Officer,(DOE) Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD)Idaho National Laboratoryprogram enables INL to conduct high-risk, impactful research that enriches the laboratory capabilities in order to further its missions.INLs capability and investment in Chemical and Molecular Science INLs LDRD portfolio specifically advances the core capabilities of theis key to increasing the value of nuclear energy solutions through laboratory aligned with its five science and technology initiatives:integrated energy systems. A research project highlighted in this 1) nuclear reactor sustainment and expanded deployment, 2)report discovered that gamma radiation-induced conversion of integrated fuel cycle solutions, 3) integrated energy systems, 4)carbon dioxide and methane to carbon monoxide and hydrogen is advanced design and manufacturing for extreme environments, anda cost-effective, negative emissions process technology. 5) secure and resilient cyber-physical systems. The 45 projects that ended in fiscal year 2022 and highlighted in this report are just aINLs world-class staff and unique facilities enable INL to direct small sample of the impressive breadth and depth of cutting-edgeresearch in Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Sciencescience, technology, and engineering ongoing at INL. experimentation as well as modeling and simulation. A project in this report that studied the irradiation-induced microstructure INLS LDRD PROGRAM HAS BEENand property changes of alpha-uranium is a great example of the power of combining experimentation with computational GROWING OVER THE PAST science. Fundamental understanding of these mechanisms 5 YEARS advances both metallic nuclear fuels research and development and basic energy science. Investing in secure and resilient cyber-physical systems is INLs LDRD program has been growing rapidly over the past fivefundamental to INLs vision to change the worlds energy future years to advance our scientific and technical expertise relatedand secure our nations critical infrastructure. This report shares to key mission areas. In the fiscal year 2022 Annual Call fora sample of INLs deep technical expertise in analyzing cyber-Proposals, INL continued investments in basic science related tophysical systems. One such project used machine learning to our emerging capabilities in Chemical and Molecular Science andautomatically identify critical infrastructure facilities, while Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science. Additionally,another used machine learning to detect malicious traffic on several seed LDRD projects highlight those core capabilities.encrypted fifth-generation wireless networks. Other projects As you read through this report, watch for theChemicaldeveloped capabilities to improve critical control system security. and Molecular Science andCondensed Matter Physics andINL will continue to grow its LDRD program to deliver the Materials Science icons to get a sense of the research conductedresearch, development, and demonstration our nation needs at INL in these areas. to address its energy and security challenges now and in the For example, LDRD-funded research in Chemical and Molecularforeseeable future. I invite you to review this report to see how Science advanced molten salt reactor development by addingINLs LDRD portfolio enables innovation, builds researcher talent, to the fundamental understanding of salt chemistry, therebyand advances INLs vision.enabling future corrosion resistant materials development.2"