b'Advanced ComputationalCultivating synergies between experiment and modeling Modeling and Experimentalexpedites thermophysical property measurements on salt Determination of thesystems essential for molten salt reactor advancement.Thermophysical Properties ofT he fundamental chemistry and properties of molten salts have been the subject of research for decades. Over the past few years, there has been Molten Salt Systems Applicablean unprecedented surge in interest for these systems given their apparent advantage in areas related to clean and sustainable energy harvesting and transfer. to Molten Salt Reactor Design Despite such focused efforts on molten salt chemistry and properties, the scientific community and molten salt reactor developers still lack understanding of and access to reputable literature data on the thermophysical properties such as density, melting point, viscosity, thermal conductivity, and contact angle of molten salts and how they vary with temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a database of thermophysical properties of multi-component coolant and fuel salt systems. PROJECT NUMBER:Leveraging INLs unique existing molten salt knowledge base and actinide handling 20A44-041 capabilities, the team built an infrastructure to determine fundamental properties of molten saltsa capability unique to INLspecifically for actinide loaded salt TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:systems. Through specialized experimentation, the team obtained high fidelity $1,349,000 over 3 years experimental data on the thermophysical properties for chloride- and fluoride-PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:based molten salts. In addition, ab initio molecular dynamics based predictive Ruchi Gakhar computational models were developed and validated against experimental measurements. This allowed the team to step outside of experimental bounds and CO-INVESTIGATORS: expand the testing regime to the temperature and compositional ranges difficult Toni Karlsson, INL to explore experimentally. Another unique aspect of this work is the first ever melt Ben Beeler, North Carolina State University temperature analysis, density measurements, and x-ray diffraction characterization of the sodium chloride plutonium chloride eutectic system, which is applicable to the Molten Chloride Fast Reactor design.(left) Schematic for Archimedes principle-based molten salt density measurement setup; (right top) Sodium chloride plutonium chloride (NaCl-PuCl3) eutectic salt-mixture; (right bottom) density of NaCl-PuCl3 eutectic system as a function of temperature.54'