b'Moving Molten Zone RefiningApplying an understanding of fundamental science enables Process Development forrapid actinide extraction from spent metallic nuclear fuel.Innovative Fuel Cycle Solutions C onsidering the phase diagrams of metallic spent fuel constituents, the melting and solidifying of spent metallic fuel causes three immiscible layers (actinide-rich, lanthanide-rich, and Group II-rich) and the condensate phase (Group I) to form. This anticipated immiscibility offers an untapped opportunity for innovative fuel cycle solutions. This research confirmed the expected phase behavior and developed a thermal treatment process to rapidly extract actinides from spent metallic fuels. First, melting and solidification PROJECT NUMBER:experiments with uranium and rare earth metals were performed, and the expected 21A1050-049 phase separation behaviors between uranium and rare earth metals under a TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT:controlled thermal cycle were confirmed. Second, a molten zone system was set up. $743,000 over 2 years The system was fully qualified and authorized for experimenting with the quantity of depleted uranium metals for this study and ready for parametric throughput and PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:economic viability study.Tae-Sic YooThe disruptive potential of the project drew attention from funding agencies, and CO-INVESTIGATORS:the team secured further research funding from the Advanced Research Projects Adrian Wagner, INL AgencyEnergy: Optimizing Nuclear Waste and Advanced Reactor Disposal Systems Mason Childs, INL program to continue the study regarding transuranics behaviors and economic viability assessment via throughput optimization.TALENT PIPELINE:Mason Childs, postdoc at Texas A&M university, hired as a staff at INLDaria Bolgova, student at University of New Mexicoa) Melt consolidated uranium (U)-zirconium (Zr)-cerium (Ce)-neodymium (Nd) sample; b) Scanning electron microscopy analysis of top corner showing clear separation between U-Zr and Ce-Nd phases; c) Inductively heated partially molten U-10Zr rod; d) Real-time temperature measurement with a low wavelength thermal camera.59'