b'Development andCombining three-dimensional x-ray and neutron imaging data Demonstration of Spatialaccelerates nuclear energy material development and advances the fundamental understanding of material properties.Correlation Techniques among Diverse Data Sets S tate-of-the-art characterization capabilities are needed to improve our knowledge of irradiated fuels and materials. One of the next steps in advanced data analysis is the spatial connection of advanced instrumentation to combine or fuse data together. This provides researchers with a more robust and effective picture of material and may increase the speed and efficiency of post-irradiation examination. This research focused on developing image registration methodologies to practically implement the spatial fusion of data sets. Combining PROJECT NUMBER:images obtained with different techniques into a single data set allows researchers to 21P1056-001 better identify material and elemental composition of different sample regions, as well as potentially improve contrast, resolution, or both of certain features.TOTAL APPROVED AMOUNT: $200,000 over 2 years Before these capabilities can be routinely available to researchers, the workflow for geometrically orienting samples in different instruments and then performing image PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR:registration and data fusion must be designed and implemented. During this project, William Chuirazzia sample containing different wires relevant to nuclear applications was fabricated, Russell L. Heath Distinguished and x-ray tomography and neutron tomography were performed. The sample Postdoctoral Fellow consisted of samarium, gold, rhenium, cadmium, hafnium, and tantalum, which are materials with nuclear applications and interact with neutrons and x-rays differently, emphasizing how the techniques complement one another.Simulations and calculations were conducted to determine how each material would perform when imaged, and these results were compared with the experimental images. These data sets were then spatially registered and fused together to create a single data set containing more information than either single data set. This process was then applied to a surrogate molten salt waste form. This project demonstrated the workflow and proof-of-principle of performing image registration and fusion with x-ray and neutron tomography, enabling multi-modal imaging for INL-relevant samples. The expertise developed from this project allows correlative multi-modal imaging to support future programmatic interests.44'