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John Revier named INL External Engagement and Communications director

September 1, 2022


INL News Release
Sept. 1, 2022

Sarah Neumann, 208-520-1651, [email protected]
Lori McNamara, 208-520-6066, [email protected]

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — John Revier has been named the director of External Engagement and Communications at Idaho National Laboratory (INL).  

John Revier
John Revier

The External Engagement and Communications directorate, which is new at INL, will focus on outreach and partnerships with regional organizations. The group includes Commercial Partnerships and Technology Transitions, Community and Regional Engagement, Governmental Affairs (state and federal), and Communications. The creation of this directorate was part of the Next-Level INL initiative and helps maximize mission outcomes and position INL for future success. 

INL is one of 17 national laboratories. From research and discoveries in advanced nuclear energy and carbon-free energy options to protecting our nation’s infrastructure, the team at INL is pushing the limits to redefine what is possible.  

“John’s experience in both federal and state government relations, as well as his demonstrated leadership abilities, will help drive INL’s success,” said INL Director John Wagner.  

Revier will begin his new role on Sept. 6. He has served as the director of State and Regional Government Affairs for INL for the past seven years. In this capacity, Revier has been the primary interface for the laboratory with the state of Idaho, local governments, and other stakeholders within the region. In his new role, Revier will enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and integration of externally facing elements and activities at the laboratory, helping INL speak with a single voice to external audiences.  

Before joining INL, Revier served for over 14 years as Idaho Rep. Mike Simpson’s legislative director and deputy chief of staff. Prior to that, John worked for Minnesota Sen. Rod Grams in both his state and Washington, D.C., offices. Revier is a native Minnesotan and graduate of Mankato State University.  


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About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, celebrating 75 years of scientific innovations in 2024. The laboratory performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. 

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Posted September 1, 2022

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