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Academic Visitors and International Researchers


INL’s academic visitors program promotes collaboration and interaction between lab researchers – and research programs – and university staff.  This program allows university personnel, with no funding or contracts with INL, access to security plans and badging needed to access INL facilities.

Visiting researchers can participate in a variety of activities, including but not limited to:

  1. Guest lectures.
  2. Collaborations with INL researchers, funded jointly by INL and the university.
  3. Providing education to INL staff.
  4. Mentoring INL staff on new technology or academic research.
  5. Discussing topics of mutual interest.


The Department of Energy’s Visitor Program, which INL participates in, provides international researchers the opportunity to collaborate with INL researchers and scientists in order to share ideas and research along with providing access to authorized INL facilities.

International researchers participate in cultural exchanges in the U.S., and then share their experiences with their home countries.

These exchanges also help the State Department further U.S. foreign policy objectives.

DOE’s Visitor Program sponsors visitors on J-1 Visas in these categories:

  1. Government visitor
  2. Specialists
  3. Short-term scholars.
  4. Research scholars.

The Visitor Program is incredibly valuable to INL’s scientific community; it encourages looking at research from diverse perspectives and fosters collaboration with international researchers, thereby providing a cross-cultural exchange which inspires creativity. In past years, this program has enabled INL to bring several distinguished researchers and scientists to the lab to participate in vital programs and projects.program is of critical value to the INL scientific community. Over the past several years, this program has enabled INL to bring foreign national researchers and scientists to the U.S. to participate in research programs and projects.

Idaho National Laboratory