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Gathering for good: Idahoans support statewide giving campaign

July 17, 2023


Once a year, Idahoans band together for a statewide period of giving.

The Idaho Gives awareness and fundraising campaign is designed to support nonprofit agencies providing services to Idaho communities. The campaign allows potential donors to explore a variety of causes making a positive impact on Idaho communities. The Idaho Nonprofit Center runs the campaign with the support of businesses, including Battelle Energy Alliance. This year, 13,096 donors gave $3,854,424, leading to over $23 million in total funds raised for the past 11 years of the program.

Idaho Gives campaign kickoff event at Mountain America Center

“The campaign is about contributing to a charity that connects with someone on a personal level,” said Misty Benjamin, INL community relations and philanthropic program manager. “Battelle Energy Alliance enables this campaign to share the impactful missions of agencies improving the quality of life in our region and state.”
Events celebrating the campaign took place across the state, with two in eastern Idaho. The mayors of Idaho Falls, Ammon, Chubbuck and Pocatello each proclaimed May 1-4 “Idaho Gives Week” and encouraged eastern Idahoans to donate.

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A group of nonprofit representatives and advocates at the Idaho Gives celebration in Pocatello.

Ammon Mayor Sean Coletti and Idaho Falls City Councilwoman Michelle Ziel-Dingman, on behalf of Mayor Rebecca Casper, shared a joint proclamation. The statement indicated that Idaho is home to over 7,000 nonprofit organizations, employing over 67,000 residents and producing a total revenue of $5.45 billion.

“The cities and county cannot do everything that needs to be done in this community,” said Coletti. “I look around and I see so many wonderful people working for nonprofits and the things that they do, and it makes everything work. Cities and businesses can’t do it alone. Nonprofits keep things running and I appreciate that.”

Ammon Mayor Sean Coletti and Idaho Falls City Councilwoman Michelle Ziel-Dingman read the joint proclamation to an audience composed of nonprofit leaders and supporters.

“One of the reasons why our community is so great is because of our very active nonprofit groups,” said Ziel-Dingman. “They fill a big hole in not only providing services for those in need but also making our community a better place to live.”

Idaho Gives works to increase visibility for Idaho nonprofits, shining a spotlight on organizations that do so much for local communities across the state. It helps organizations boost their fundraising efforts and reach potential new donors with statewide visibility. This year, 640 organizations across the state participated and received donations.

“Idaho runs on nonprofits,” said Kevin Kevin Bailey, CEO of the Idaho Nonprofit Center. “In every community across the state you see the impact of nonprofits. From downtown beautification, environmental conservation, feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, we’re really asked to do a lot in this sector, and we really help our communities grow and thrive. Idaho Gives is all about raising the profile of nonprofits and allowing folks to step up and contribute to them.”

BEA provides foundational support for the Idaho Gives campaign. It also contributes to local events and promotion for the fundraising campaign across eastern Idaho and to its employees.

“I am inspired by the contributions of INL employees who support our community not only during Idaho Gives but throughout the year,” said Benjamin.


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About Idaho National Laboratory

Battelle Energy Alliance manages INL for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy. INL is the nation’s center for nuclear energy research and development, celebrating 75 years of scientific innovations in 2024. The laboratory performs research in each of DOE’s strategic goal areas: energy, national security, science and the environment. 

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Posted July 17, 2023

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