b'N AT I O N A LU N I V E R S I T Y P R O G R A M SIntern AccomplishmentsAvery Greene, an INL internAfter determining a list of studying chemistry at Lawrencecontributors (social vulnerability University, worked on a projectindex, access to public called Municipal Solid Wastetransportation, racial distribution, (MSW) Variability Mapping andgross domestic product, personal Conversion to Biofuel. MSW is aincome), the project team used form of biomass that consists ofJMP statistical software perform a components categorized as wastemultivariate analysis to determine and trash. The general categoriescorrelations and a partial least are paper, yard trash, constructionsquares regression to determine and debris, appliances, tires, glass,variable importance plots for each INL intern Kari Perry metals, aluminum and steel cans,MSW category. In addition to data plastics, organics, inorganics, andanalysis, the team studied the INL intern Kari Perry, a mechanicalhousehold hazardous waste. Thisconvertibility of MSW to biofuel via engineering student at Montanaproject focuses on the factorsmicrowave pyrolysis to separate State University, was part ofwithin a region or populationand characterize the various a winning team during INLsthat contribute to variability ingaseous and bio-oil products.Innovation Week 2022. the composition of MSW and its convertibility to biofuel. The teams proposal, Bike Commuter Resource Center, addresses the lack of bike accessibility in Idaho Falls and offers an innovative solution that includes education, information availability and community development to encourage INL employees to reduce their carbon emissions by biking to work. Their proposal, which was mentioned during a Net-Zero presentation, has the potential to significantlyMSW Variability Mapping and Conversion reduce emissions related toto Biofuel, Avery Greenes team projectemployee commuting, which makes up 12% of INLs total carbon emissions, while improving biker safety and enhancing employee health and well-being.8'