b'N AT I O N A LU N I V E R S I T Y P R O G R A M SGraduate Fellowship ResearchersIdaho National Laboratorys Graduate Fellowship Program offers young researchers the opportunity to engage with experts in nuclear science,Once the student cybersecurity, energy systems and more. Graduate fellows are selected in degree fields aligned with INLs mission areas of innovative nuclearbegins the hands-energy solutions, clean energy options and critical infrastructure. INLon research portion awarded graduate fellowships to 25 students from 12 universities across the United States in FY-2022. A graduate fellowship typicallyof their program, INL runs for three to five years. INL graduate fellows must be accepted intopays for their tuition an accredited doctorate program in a research area related to one of INLs core capabilities where the student will provide two years of theirand fees along with doctorate program research to INL. In return, the program offers fellowsproviding a $80,000 access to world-class research facilities and expert researchers. In the first year of the program, the student takes classes through their university.annual salary.During this period, their university pays their tuition and fees.SpotlightsCasey T. Icenhour earned aThe INL Graduate Fellowship bachelors degree in electricalprogram has greatly enhanced engineering from Western Carolinamy research by enabling direct University, and soon will completecollaboration with world-class his postdoctoral degree in nuclearresearchers in computational engineering from North Carolinascience and engineering, said State University. His core thesisIcenhour. This opportunity to research is broadly in the areas ofwork on laboratory projects and low-temperature plasma physicshis own research in advanced and advanced manufacturing,manufacturing and computational where he developed theelectromagnetics as part of the electromagnetics module for INLsMOOSE framework development Multiphysics Object Orientedteam has broadened his research Simulation Environment, orexperience. I grew a great respect MOOSE, to explore the impacts offor the work INL does - we arent high-frequency electromagneticonly a nuclear energy lab!Casey T. Icenhours core thesis research isfields on energy deposition andsaid Icenhour. broadly in the areas of low-temperatureplasma uniformity for industrial plasma physics and advanced manufacturing.plasma applications (i.e., microchip manufacturing, advancedcoatings, etc.). 20'