b'A N N UA L R E P O R T 2022HighlightsIn fiscal year 2022, INL hosted 721 National University Programs participants from 180 colleges and universities.AccomplishmentsAt the end of fiscal year 2022,28% teleworked. This is a starkEnvironment Science and former National Universitydifference from the previousTechnology mission directorates Programs participants accountedyear when more than 70%provided seminars on their for 8.7% of INLs full-time staffworked completely online. projects and discussed the and 13% of staff members inIn January 2022, INL held itsmany opportunities available mission directorates. first Early Career Days. Nationalfor students and faculty to INL has built its cohort ofUniversity Programs developedcollaborate with INL researchers. postdoctoral researchers to 101the concept to connect withThe interactive event was held in many fields including nuclearselect universities and help raisevirtually with 408 registrants engineering, mechanicalawareness of the importantfrom 36 universities.engineering, materials science,work done at INL, opportunitiesINL postdoc Daniel Molina chemical engineering and civilfor faculty/researcherMontes de Oca was part of engineering. They represent 23collaborations, and intern andthe team that developed nationalities and 56 universitiescareer opportunities. OverElectrochemical Leach, one of in the U.S. and five fromthree days, INL engineers andthree INL technologies that won institutions in other countries scientists from Nuclear Sciencean R&D 100 Award in 2022.We welcomed 511 interns. Ofand Technology, National and these, 61% worked on-site, 11%Homeland Security, Materials worked a hybrid schedule andand Fuels Complex, Advanced Test Reactor and Energy and INL hosted 721 National University Programs participants5'