b'A N N UA L R E P O R T 2022Mentor of the YearJana Richens, Mentor of the Year awardee Eleanor Taylor, Mentor of the Year awardeeEleanor Taylor and Jana Richens were the co- Richens is National and Homeland Securitys winners of the Mentor of the Year award. BothWorkforce Development coordinator, and she organized the intern cyber summer camp and madeis part of the Cybercore Integration Center. For meaningful connections with their students. These INLRichens, it was an honor to participate in the mentor mentors are hardworking, enthusiastic, encouraging,program at INL. It means a lot knowing I can make a kind and always available for their students. Theypositive impact on someones career and help build have been called out as the catalysts that made theconfidence in their skills and abilities, she said. internship experience the best the students ever had. Cultivating the next generation of talented individuals Eleanor Taylor, formerly Cybercore Program manageris key to our continued success, and mentors play an for Workforce Development, is now part of the newlyextremely important role in this process. Mentors formed National and Homeland Security Workforcealso help develop the bright minds that will lead Development Program Office. Taylor agrees that INLour laboratory into the future. As mentors, it is our offers students incredible opportunities to be partresponsibility to create a positive work environment of our mission and experience national laboratorywith team-building opportunities, as well as establish research firsthand. Mentoring is a critical componentclear goals, lines of communication, expectations of any workforce development effort and is vital forand accountability, said Richens. When a student our future, said Taylor. It is a two-way partnershiphas been given responsibility, they feel valued as a designed to bring out the best in each other, and youresource and more connected to the team.will find that you learn just as much in the process. Everyone benefits! 13'