b'N AT I O N A LU N I V E R S I T Y P R O G R A M SLeadership across the LabThe National Laboratory Directors Workforce Workshop held in March 2022 and led by Michelle Thiel Bingham, National University Programs director, had over 200 participants from all 17 national laboratories and various DOE offices. It provided a forum to integrate workforce development activities that support all DOE missions, including local and regional bases, as well as those associated with the broader Graphics from the National Laboratory Directors Workforce Workshop held in March 2022.energy transformation. The event offered opportunities to share best practices in diversity,The session explored how externalThe five-year equity and inclusion and evaluatepartiescompanies, nonprofits,agreement the impact of these practices ongovernment agencies and others DOE initiatives. can partner with these collegessolidifies what had and universities seeking to bolsterbeen individual University Industrytheir research and program assets. Demonstration Partnershipagreements Mission in Motion wasOver 200 attendees participated inbetween laboratory held in March 2022. INL wasthis two-day event.researchers and represented in the keynote panel,INL signed a Memorandum ofuniversity faculty Collaborations to Build HistoricallyUnderstanding with University Black Colleges and Universitiesof Utah to formalize themembers.(HBCU) Research and Programcollaboration between the twoThose will be replaced with a Capabilities. The main impactinstitutions on research andcomprehensive institutional of this event was to increasedevelopment projects aimed atmemorandum encouraging awareness of INL to HBCUs. Manyadvancing the nations energy andgreater collaboration including external organizations seek tosecurity technology. The newlyshared academic materials, visiting partner with HBCUs and othersigned Strategic Understanding forresearch scholars, and cooperative emerging research organizationsPremier Education and Research,symposia, seminars, workshops to support their goals ofor SUPER agreement, allows theand conferences.sustainably building research organizations to explore deeper and program capabilities. research collaborations and expand opportunities for students, faculty and researchers. 14'