b'N AT I O N A LU N I V E R S I T Y P R O G R A M SWorkforce Development Workforce DevelopmentsTarget audienceobjective is to train, developand positively influence INL employees (skills enhancement or new skill development)the next generation of the Community/future employeesenergy workforce. Existing relationshipsHighlightsCollaborations (Center forISUs Energy Systems Advanced Energy Studies,Technology & Education National Laboratory Directors National University Consortium,Center (ESTEC) Council (NLDC)Workforce Strategic Understanding forWorkshop, March 2022Premier Education and Research) Cyber-physical security The event was ledEmployee education Electrical engineering technology by INL and shared Sample of workforceDOE laboratory Instrumentationdevelopment support engineering technology workforce efforts Fire protection and best practices (University of Idaho) Mechanical engineeringwith a focus on Welding (College of technology strategic partners Eastern Idaho) Nuclear operations collaborationCertifications and technology and support.associates degreesNLDC Working Groups Partnering Together graphic: Workforce is a challenge for all of usCohesive StrategyNational Lab Brand & & Prioritization Better Engagement with WE ARE One Another & DOEStrongerMechanisms to Share/ by working togetherAccess Information Simpli\x1fcation30'