b'N AT I O N A LU N I V E R S I T Y P R O G R A M SPostdoctoral ResearchersINL has built its cohort of postdoctoral researchers to 101, in fields including nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, material science, chemical engineering and civil engineering. They represent 23 nationalities and 56 universities in the U.S. and five other countries. The diversity of degrees, institutions and ethnicities of our postdoc population provides a greater variety of perspectives and contributions to the important work we do at INL.Postdocs Celebration Idaho National Laboratory celebrated National Postdoc Appreciation Week with a dinner to honor our postdoctoral appointees. It was attended by approximately 120 people, including postdocs, mentors and members of lab management. National Postdoc Appreciation Week, held Sept. 12-23, provided an opportunity to recognize the work of the labs outstanding postdoctoral researchers along with their managers and mentors. The dinner was hosted by INLs National University Programs on Sept. 22 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Idaho Falls. This was the eighth annual event, but the first in-person celebration since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.Russell L. Heath DistinguishedPostdoctoral Associate This appointment is awarded to outstanding early-career scientists and engineers interested in advancing the fields of nuclear energy, critical infrastructure protection and clean energy deployment. We welcomed four recipients in FY-22.Michael J. MooreheadDoctorate in nuclear engineering and engineering physics at University of Wisconsin, and bachelors in materials science and engineering at Arizona State University. Learn more about Mooreheads research here. 16'