b'How much radiation was releasedat SL-1, and how did we clean upthe accident?S ome radioactive elements were released during the accident, primarily radioactive gases like iodine that would have dispersed (reports state 80 curies of iodine and 1,100 curies of fission products). Surveys were conducted around the area, particularly downwind of the SL-1 site. Contaminants were found at very low levels on roadways, but those contaminants were cleaned up to ensure they would not be picked up by the tires of vehicles leaving the area. No significant off-site exposure resulted from the event. The contaminated building and equipment, as well as soil and cleanup equipment, were buried near the SL-1 site to minimize the potential to spread contamination. The landfill was later capped with gravel and basalt boulders. More than 50,000 cubic yards of residual contaminated soil were removed from the SL-1 area in the early 2000s and disposed'