b' I think we have some good concepts to work with. The projects were developing now could significantly\x07impact\x07nuclear\x07energy\x07in\x07both\x07the\x072011 short and long term.Shannon Bragg-Sitton, Deputy National Technical Director for the Advanced Fuels CampaignAccident Tolerant FuelAfter the 2011 tsunami-caused disaster at Japans Fukushima Dai-ichi plant, DOE issued a call for fuels that could withstand extreme conditions for longer periods of time without failing. Three companiesGeneral Electric, Westinghouse and Arevaresponded to the call to develop advanced fuel concepts. The first samples were irradiated at ATR in 2015. Phase 1 included feasibility assessments, during which fuel concepts were developed, tested and evaluatedwrapping up in 2016. On March 4, 2018, accident-tolerant fuel assemblies were inserted for testing at Southern Nuclears Edwin I. Hatch Plant near Baxley, Georgia. Both Areva and Westinghouse inserted test rods in 2019 at plants in Illinois: the LaSalle County Nuclear Generating Station (Areva fuel) and Exelons Byron Generating Station (Westinghouse fuel). In 2023, the Westinghouse rods were shipped to INL for study.67'