b'Workforce Development Cross-Complex ImpactsINLs leadership in cross-complex activities continues with the fourth annual Office of Science Summer Series for Interns, with INL taking lead roles in two of seven topicsLab Directors Panel and Mental Health. The events were open to interns across all 17 national labs.The concept for the series originated at INL.On July 11, 2023, the DOE Office of Science invited INL to facilitate a breakout session for a science mentorship workshop on best practices for mentors in providing feedback to interns. Office of Science Summer Series for Interns The University of Wyoming and DOE hosted Wyoming National Lab Days on April 12-13, 2023. This initiative helped participants learn about and explore opportunities for partnerships with DOE national laboratories. The event attracted over 260 attendees, including several VIPs: Geri Richmond, DOE undersecretary for science and innovation; Harriet Kung, deputy director for DOE Office of Science Programs; Katy Huff, assistant secretary for DOE Office of Nuclear Energy; and Brad Crabtree, assistant secretary for DOE Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management. Guests from Wyoming included Governor Mark Gordon and U.S. Senator John Barrasso. INL highlights included Director John Wagners overview of the DOE national lab system and participation on a lab director panel. Other INL personnel, such as Youssef Ballout, Micah Casteel, Jake Gentle, Ryan Hruska and Travis McLing, led technical breakout sessions. Attendees met and engaged with lab directors and scientists and learned more about the facilities and expertise available to support research, technology development and education. Learn more about this event here. As a result of successful Wyoming and New Hampshire lab days, INL has been asked to contribute to a small planning group to develop a model/playbook for future events.S T U D E N T S, P O S T D O C S A N D FAC U LT Y AC H I E V E M E N T S F Y23 21'