Fusion Safety

​MELCOR for Fusion

A modified version of the MELCOR code under development at the Sandia National Laboratory in New Mexico for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

A fully integrated, engineering level thermal-hydraulics computer code that models the progression of accidents in fusion power plants, including a spectrum of accident phenomena such as reactor cooling system and containment fluid flow, heat transfer, and aerosol transport.

Used for accident analysis in ITER’s Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (RPrS) and ARIES Design Team safety analyses.

See the list of MELCOR for Fusion users on our collaborations​ page.

The Tritium Plasma Experiment
​ARIES-CS In-vessel FW helium LOCA
​​​TPE Sample Holder, supplied by SNL-CA, holds 25-mm diameter tungsten samples​


A coupled electromagnetic, radiant energy transport, and heat conduction code developed to analyze magnet arcing accidents.​

MAGARC Toroidal Field coil results during an unmitigated magnet quench event​
MAGARC Toroidal Field coil results during an unmitigated magnet quench event​


The tritium migration analysis program (TMAP) treats multi-specie surface absorption and diffusion in composite materials with dislocation traps, plus the movement of these species from room to room by air flow within a given facility. The number of TMAP users is unknown but it has been listed as the third most requested code from the DOE’s Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) website. The figure at right shows a TMAP code application to the thermal desorption spectrum of a neutron damaged sample of tungsten after being exposed to a deuterium plasma.​

TMAP 4 is available from ESTSC.

Other Safety Codes​

Contact Information

Masashi Shimada

Phone: (208) 533-4472

Idaho National Laboratory